Women's leadership 

Helping women in the workplace nurture their greatness, so they can be even more content and capable leaders.  

1:1 coaching & group programs

Case in point - the female brain has on average four times more mirror neurons than the male brain… 

And male brains have more connections within each hemisphere, while female brains are significantly more interconnected between hemispheres.

Yep, your female staff are literally wired differently to your male staff! How cool is that.

Many diversity and inclusion agendas push us towards sameness - but it doesn’t work! Our approach celebrates these differences without pigeon-holing or excluding, and supports your women to shine as the unique and awesome individuals they are. 

Fact: we are all equal, but we are not the same

There's huge power in unlocking the deeply complementary differences between men and women ... and when you do, business *booms* 

Your business will benefit from women’s leadership coaching if ...

You want to provide targeted support for a talented individual who struggles with her wellbeing, work-life balance, confidence or influence

You have limited role models for high potential women who want to progress their careers as they balance caring for and growing their family

In theory you value diverse leadership but in reality qualities such as assertiveness, autonomy and decisiveness (aka typically masculine strengths) are more widely modelled than typically feminine strengths such as  collaboration, emotional intelligence, empathy and self-awareness.

Your senior leadership is still mostly made up of men (even with good progress in diversity at other levels)

“"I was sceptical about corporate training programs but can honestly say that this one has changed my approach to my career.""

- Managing Director,
Media Agency 

Accelerate career progression for high-performing women 

Typical program aims:

Upskill participants to create more influence and impact in their leadership



Address common challenges including work/life balance, wellbeing & imposter syndrome 


Increase retention and fulfilment for a crucial employee population


Build a strong community and safe space to discuss the unique challenges of female leadership within a male-dominated leadership environment 


"Words cannot express what I have gained! It’s been amazing, has given me the confidence at a point in my life when I most needed it. I feel confident, empowered and motivated. Thank you!"

- director, fmcg

How it works ...

We’ll work together to clarify your goals and design a program that meets these, with clear, measurable outcomes. 

Program delivery may involve 1:1 coaching, group workshops or a hybrid; all can be done online or in person at your offices 

Throughout the program and at its conclusion, we’ll be in close partnership, measuring, tailoring and tweaking to deliver the best outcomes for your people and your business. 





We’ll make the most of your investment and shout from the rooftops about the great results of the program to position you as an employer of choice and industry leader for women. 

get in touch

Please drop me a line and we can talk through the opportunities and challenges you're seeing in your business, and I can take you through some case studies relevant to your industry.

I'm looking forward to speaking with you!

Please get in touch

want to know more?