“Who does she think she is?”
She spent a great deal of energy (consciously and subconsciously) contorting and curating herself so that people would never ask that question about her.
Of course, some did anyway. What we do our best to avoid always shows up eventually.
And what a gift that turned out to be.
For she realised that people’s judgments, whilst painful to bear, had nothing on the pain of betraying her own soul.
She was no longer willing to wear the cost of following what was expected, of dialling herself down, of pleasing others at the expense of herself.
And not in a fuck-it-all-I-don’t-care-anyway fake bravado kind of way.
She realised she could hold the ultimate paradox: caring deeply for others, taking full responsibility for her impact and showing up in her fullest expression, making scary, unpopular choices aligned deeply with her truest self.
Knowing that it would be too much or not enough for some. Knowing that she would be misunderstood and judged.
And she saw that she could dance with that question that had once haunted her: “Who does she think she is?”
For she doesn’t just think, she KNOWS. With every fibre of her being. She Knows she is walking the sacred path of The Unleashed Woman: wildly open, heart-centred, soul-guided, embodied and FREE.
Read more about working together here if the sacred path of The Unleashed Woman is calling you too.