Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and endless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, and she is an endangered species.
-Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Our inner wild woman is always beckoning to us. Inviting us to come home: home to our instincts, our bodies, our intuitive wisdom, our Truth. She beckons us away from our censoring, criticising and contorting of ourselves and into our Becoming.
We’re midway through our Wild Feminine Power crucible in Bloom (the expansion circle I’m currently leading) and our exploration is centred around what blocks our connection to our inner wild woman. For most of us, it’s our need for control and certainty. Control is the antithesis of the Wild Woman, who is UNLEASHED: fully expressed, surrendered and free.
To deepen into your awareness of how Control shows up for you, I invite you to grab a journal and a comfy place to sit and dive into the following enquiry:
Bring to mind something in your life that you’re concerned about (big or small) and reflect on the following:
* In what ways are you trying to control the situation/person/outcome?
*How accountable are you feeling for its resolution?
*In what ways are you protecting yourself?
*In what ways are you closed to support from others?
*In what ways are you closed to support from Spirit/Life?
When we’re feeling worried about a situation or person we tend to grip tightly to our tunnel vision of What Must Happen/Change. This is a perfect opportunity to invite in the receptivity, flow and unleashed creativity of our inner wild woman … to loosen our grip and be wide open to support or a resolution that is beyond the grasp of our analytical mind.
If this exploration resonates with you, you might like this video where I dive deeply into my own personal experience with paying the high price of control.