
May 28, 2024

  Embolden: Career + Life Mastermind   Make bold moves in your biz or career Rewrite all the rules Put your vitality first Let your values and desires take the lead Come join us …   You’re in the right place if … You’ve been secretly (or not so secretly) harbouring a desire to move […]

I'm jess!

Life and leadership coach for women, mental health maven and soul guide.

I support women to do LESS people-pleasing, perfectionism and over-working ... and experience MORE ease, joy, vitality and confidence.


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Career + Life Mastermind


Make bold moves in your biz or career

Rewrite all the rules

Put your vitality first

Let your values and desires take the lead

Come join us …


You’re in the right place if …

  • You’ve been secretly (or not so secretly) harbouring a desire to move roles or industries, launch or up-level your own biz, or take a sabbatical … it just never seems to be the right time

  • OR maybe you already love what you do but not HOW you’re doing it – you’re overwhelmed and exhausted

  • You know your people-pleasing, perfectionist or worrier tendencies are getting in the way of what you truly want

  • Relaxed, creative and in flow aren’t words you’d typically use to describe your vibe at work … you yearn for more joy and ease

  • Your body is getting louder in her messages to slow down (eg. stress, anxiety, exhaustion or persistent ailments)

It’s time to make some bold, soul-aligned choices in your career or biz.

What bold moves are calling to you?

  • Reducing your work hours to spend more time pursuing hobbies or with your kids

  • Launching your own business or side hustle

  • Reimagining your existing role or business – breaking free of the stress, overwhelm and burnout

  • Expanding your business or going for a promotion, even though your mind tells you you’re not good enough

  • Declining a promotion or expansion opportunity even though it’s great money because it isn’t what you truly want

  • Moving to a new company or industry more aligned with your values

  • Leaving paid work to honour your desire to travel, take time out or be a full-time parental caregiver

  • Or any other unique soul desire!

Your work life, re-imagined

 This is for you if:

You want clarity and a practical roadmap

You want to be clearer on what you truly want (not what you’ve been taught to want). And you want the practical steps and support to move towards it.

You’re done with waiting for the “right time”

You know there’ll always be a compelling reason your mind throws at you as to why it’s not the right time yet. You’re ready to make a bold move towards joy and fulfilment.

You want a life reflective of your priorities

You know deep down that work isn’t the most important thing but if you’re really honest, your schedule and stress levels don’t reflect that. You want to make space for the things that really matter.

We’ll dive into …

Uncovering what you truly want

Unearthing your true desires underneath your conditioning & others’ expectations

Releasing blocks

Letting go of default patterns of people-pleasing, perfectionism, self-doubt & worry

Blessing the naysayers

Staying grounded amidst disapproving voices (including your own inner critic!)

Following the breadcrumbs

Getting comfortable with uncertainty, fanning the flames of your vision, and letting go of control

Courageous conversations

Asking for what you want with grace, and navigating high stakes conversations with your loved ones, employers and clients

Daily rhythms

Setting up simple, powerful practices to restore your vitality and reconnect with your intuition

All the juicy details …

  • Enrolment includes weekly audios, six group calls and two 1:1 coaching sessions with me

  • We begin Sunday 4 February 2024 and will close on
    Thursday 21 March 2024

  • You’ll receive weekly audios in your inbox each Sunday morning containing teachings and prompts, with the corresponding group call held the following Thursday

  • Group call times: Thursdays @ 7-8.30pm AEST (8-9.30pm AEDT; 9-10.30am GMT)

  • Group call dates: 8 Feb, 15 Feb & 22 Feb; [break 29 Feb]; 7 March, 14 March & 21 March

  • All group calls will be recorded if you miss one or if the time difference makes live attendance tricky

  • Our group calls will include embodiment practices, live shares and individual coaching

  • We’ll also have a private Facebook group to foster connection and momentum between calls

  • PLUS you’ll have two 1:1 coaching calls with me, held in Feb and March, for deep transformation and accountability

  • Investment: two monthly payments of $515

I’m in!

My intention is that you’ll leave Embolden:

  • Clear on what you want with practical next steps mapped out for how to get there

  • Listening to your own inner voice and making choices based on your values, priorities and desires

  • Grounded and confident so you can withstand challenges that lie ahead (including pushback/judgment of your choices)

  • Equipped with the practical tools required to make bold career moves including crafting a vision, asking for what you desire & holding boundaries

  • Topped up with new levels of vibrancy and vitality as we begin the new year


 I’m honoured to guide you through Embolden …

I bring recruitment, HR, leadership, business and coaching expertise

It seems all the twists and turns of my career have led perfectly to teaching Embolden! I’m so excited to dive into ALL aspects of creating a career or biz you adore – from practical tips and tricks for navigating challenging conversations and boundaries all the way through to rewiring limiting beliefs and distilling your unique soul purpose.

I walk the talk when it comes to bold career moves

I studied to become a lawyer for seven years and left after one year in the profession because I knew it wasn’t right. And I became a life coach back in 2013 when coaches had about the same standing in our culture as used car sales people. I have firsthand experience in going against the grain and making bold moves that others judge or don’t understand.

I bring ZERO judgment and have my own rich and colourful history

Have you ever had a salary negotiation go so pear-shaped your boss told you it was the most bruising he’d ever had in 20 years of business? Ever cried to a boss you just resigned to because they didn’t seem upset enough about you leaving? Ever borrowed from a work petty cash tin to fund your binge eating disorder? Nope? Just me then 🙂 I have learned to love and understand these most “shameful, embarrassing” parts of me so they no longer hold me back and I am deeply passionate about liberating those in you too.

Ready to dive in?

Woohoo!!! I’m so delighted and can’t wait to welcome you to our group.

Investment: two monthly payments of AU $515

(includes 2 x 1:1 sessions valued at $660!)

I’m in!



  • No – a commitment to making a change is all you need. It’s so normal and common that we know what we DON’T want, but haven’t had the time, resources or bandwidth to clarify what we DO want. In Embolden I’ll guide you through a process to gain clarity on your vision and map out next steps, no matter how muddy things are right now.

  • When we want to make change and find ourselves holding back or not sustaining it, usually what’s missing is either the foundational mindset work, practical processes or loving accountability. We’re going deep on all three in Embolden.

    We’ll be uncovering and rewiring the subconscious beliefs and stories that are holding you back from creating the career or business you truly desire. We’ll be focused on putting in place sustainable systems in your life and work so you don’t have to rely on willpower to sustain change. I’ll be sharing practical tips and processes from my seven years in HR/recruitment and nine years as a leadership coach and business owner to help you bring your career or business vision to life and sustain new healthy habits.

    And crucially, you’ll have 1:1 coaching and accountability from me, as well as support from loving, like-minded women devoted to walking this path.

  • You’ll receive an email within 48 hours welcoming you to the group and sharing our Embolden welcome pack so you can make a start whenever you feel ready! It’s filled with juicy reflection questions, helpful resources and mindful movement practices to kickstart our journey together.

  • Of course, if it’s calling to you then we’d love to have you! All calls will be recorded and shared so you can catch up if you miss one or if the time difference makes live attendance tricky. You can also submit questions ahead of time for me to answer in the session.

  • Awesome! Please reach out via email: jess@jessheading.com

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so hot right now

I'm Jess, mind whisperer, mama & ocean lover

I'm a former lawyer turned women’s leadership and life coach. 

I guide women who have created their success largely through driving, pushing and controlling, to reconnect with their intuition, vitality and radiance.

more about me

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Why I don't recommend meditation for women

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7 things I want every woman to know

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 Top Resources

5 secrets to calm your busy mind

Packed with simple, practical tools to anchor you in your next thought storm

PLUS learn why your body, not your mind, holds the key 

download my free guide

 I gratefully acknowledge the Turrbal and Jagera people as the traditional owners of this land upon which I live and work.

jess heading

© jess heading Coaching 2024  |  Design by Tonic  |  Photos by paula ivy & pexels

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