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May 28, 2024

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I'm jess!

Life and leadership coach for women, mental health maven and soul guide.

I support women to do LESS people-pleasing, perfectionism and over-working ... and experience MORE ease, joy, vitality and confidence.


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Whoops! Looks like the link you’ve clicked on is broken.

My apologies!

Please email me at jess@jessheading.com and I can help you find what you’re looking for. Or you can head back to home and start again.


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so hot right now

I'm Jess, mind whisperer, mama & ocean lover

I'm a former lawyer turned women’s leadership and life coach. 

I guide women who have created their success largely through driving, pushing and controlling, to reconnect with their intuition, vitality and radiance.

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Why I don't recommend meditation for women

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blog post

7 things I want every woman to know

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blog post

 Top Resources

5 secrets to calm your busy mind

Packed with simple, practical tools to anchor you in your next thought storm

PLUS learn why your body, not your mind, holds the key 

download my free guide

 I gratefully acknowledge the Turrbal and Jagera people as the traditional owners of this land upon which I live and work.

jess heading

© jess heading Coaching 2024  |  Design by Tonic  |  Photos by paula ivy & pexels

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