Lessons from my miscarriages

I wanted to distill and share the three big lessons I’m taking away from my miscarriages last year. 1. Intense emotional experiences don’t have to be all-consuming   As a highly emotional being, I used to be someone that would be absolutely floored when bad things happen in my life. I wouldn’t be able to function, I’d be […]

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Anxiety is not a life sentence


Why I don’t recommend meditation for women


Seven things I want every woman to know


Five ways to build body acceptance


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I talk about all things motherhood, self-love and acceptance, mental health, femininity, leadership, spirituality, wellbeing and relationships.

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salty and sweet

High-functioning anxiety is so prevalent in our society that a relentless racing mind seems normal. We’ve normalised: constant rushing and busyness relentless worrying a fierce inner critic struggling to be present with our kids being unable to switch off constant low-level stress feeling guilty and not enough These things may be normal, ie a large […]

Saying no to “normal”


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I wanted to distill and share the three big lessons I’m taking away from my miscarriages last year. 1. Intense emotional experiences don’t have to be all-consuming   As a highly emotional being, I used to be someone that would be absolutely floored when bad things happen in my life. I wouldn’t be able to function, I’d be […]

Lessons from my miscarriages


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Do Orla and Stu get the absolute best of me? Does my role support me to be the mother I want to be? Do I have the energy and desire to devour a good book at night? Do I have a clear identity and interests outside of working and mothering? Does my weekly schedule reflect […]

Setting your own success measures


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Is there anything better than losing yourself in an amazing book?! In this three-part series I’m counting down my all-time favourite books. This was SO hard to narrow down!  Here we go – in no particular order – my favourite page-turning novels to lose yourself in …  Still Life – Sarah Winman* Pachinko – Min Jin […]

My favourite books (part 3 – novels)


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No medication or meditation necessary.

Just practical, simple tools that you won't hear
from anyone else.

Five secrets to calm your busy mind

Better than free ice cream!
