Coaching for your body, mind & soul 

I guide women who have created their success largely through driving and striving, to reconnect with their intuition and feminine radiance. In practical terms they experience a renaissance in their intimate relationship, more creativity and balance in their careers, and levels of energy and vitality to put their younger selves to shame. 



you're in the right place

As cyclical beings with more sensitive nervous systems, we as women in particular experience the ill effects of this 

If you yearn for something different  ...

If you’re ready to live according to your deepest soul desires ...

In our modern culture we've normalised ways of living that are entirely unnatural for human beings - constantly stressed and busy, at the mercy of our minds and disconnected from nature and our bodies.


"The biggest change for me is tangibly living a life of freedom, joy and ease. I love Jess' coaching style, her energy and her wisdom.

Everyone needs a Jess in their life"

- Amy Vincent

"Coaching with Jess has taken me outside of my comfort zone and led me to achieve things way beyond my expectations."

- Tanya Street 

real results

your soul desires are yours for a reason

You want a bespoke, high-touch program with an expert coach and mentor who has walked a similar path


tell me more

No more dancing around the edges of the changes you want to make, listening to a podcast here and doing some journalling there.

Let's work together to create the expansive, ease-filled, soul-led life that's right for you.

Restore your radiance, reclaim your and realign your life on your terms

Ignite your Light

Anxious to Unleashed 

tell me more

What does this look like in reality? LESS people-pleasing, over-working, over-giving, perfectionism and resentment. 

MORE ease, playfulness, intuition, confidence and better boundaries. 

Find freedom from your busy mind so it no longer runs the show


You want a powerful, well-priced program you can work through privately at your own pace

online, self-paced course

1:1 coaching

No medication or meditation necessary.

Just practical, simple tools that you won't hear
from anyone else.

Five secrets to calm your busy mind

Better than free ice cream!
