Ignite your light 

For women who are ready to let go of over-thinking, over-working and overwhelm 

Step off the cultural conditioning treadmill of more, better, faster 

And step into unprecedented levels of vitality, ease and self-trust  

1:1 coaching

That doesn't mean you have to settle for a frazzled brain, being snappy with your loved ones, mum guilt and/or exhaustion.

Midlife can be the most incredible season of your life, 
where your innate vitality, creativity and gifts are at full bloom.

If you're not feeling like that, let's change it ...  

Yes, it is an intense season of life, there's no getting around that. And you have lots to be grateful for already. 

real talk:

This is for you if you're:

Living a life that looks good on the outside, but your relentless mind makes it difficult to truly enjoy

Often telling yourself you need to destress or get healthier, yet not making it happen

Sometimes resentful because the buck always seems to stop with you

Feeling like you're constantly on the go with a million and one commitments

Longing to be a positive role model for your kids, yet currently modelling busyness, self-doubt or exhaustion

My busy mind ruled me and worst of all, I believed that was just how I was wired. I'd been living with high-functioning anxiety for so long that I thought it was just how it would always be. Mainstream psychology confirmed this with its "lifelong medication or management" model - there was no mention of transformation and true freedom. 

It was only after I pursued other modalities including coaching, somatic therapy and nutrition that I finally freed myself. I retrained ten years ago and since then I've been supporting women to unwind their conditioning and rewire their thinking patterns.

i've been there

less mind, more body & soul = freedom

My people-pleasing and perfectionism was off the charts

“ I finally feel like I'm living the truest version of me with all the tools to continue this evolution and I'm excited to do so"

- jessica doneley, mother
small business owner

Stop over-giving, over-working, under-receiving and feeling resentful

Let's work together so you can:

Experience levels of energy and ease that put your younger self to shame



Reignite the joy & playfulness in your marriage and family dynamics


Calm your nervous system and stop living in frantic action mode


Trust your inner voice and make big decisions with ease


How It Works

You brain dump everything that's on your mind. We lovingly sort through it together.

you book a (free) discovery call 

And break it into bite-sized, doable  steps and practices to take you from frazzled to flow

we map a clear vision

We have fortnightly coaching calls plus timely, unlimited support between sessions via whatsapp

bespoke, high-touch support

"I was overworked, pleasing others, trying to control everything and lived like I was on the Amazing Race."

Jess' approach is nothing I have ever experienced before. Although some aspects were wildly outside of my comfort zone at first (read: body-led movement), I embraced it all and I am so happy I did. 

Jess has supported me, challenged me and patiently taught me ways to shift my mindset and undo habitual patterns, allowing me to expand in ways I never thought possible. 

The biggest change for me is tangibly living a life of freedom, joy and ease. I love Jess' coaching style, her energy and her wisdom. And yes, I now also love body-led movement!

amy vincent, wife & occupational therapist
founder of the therapy collective

you're yearning for radiance, viality & ease

YOu WANT TO transform your relationship & family dynamics

You want a clear pathway and practical steps 

You want support to translate helpful concepts into lasting change


Is This Right For You?

I started seeing Jess when I was feeling very overwhelmed, lost and unsure about my professional future and where I saw myself. I credit a large portion of where I am in my life now (both professionally and personally) to my work with Jess.

My friends and family will now ask me whether I have spoken to Jess about a particular issue, because they know not only is Jess an invaluable source of truth, guidance and support to me but they see the changes in me first-hand since we started working together.

"I am just so grateful that I had the courage to take a leap and send Jess an email!"

I was resistant and skeptical at first, however trust was built very quickly and easily by Jess. This is a huge demonstration of her skill as I am a
tough nut to crack! She has the ability to motivate and generate what is there within you and stretch and pull that into something truly amazing for you.

I  love that we laugh together and make it fun even with very serious topics. Jess brings exciting energy to every session - everything is full of possibilities.

"I am now living the life I truly want, earning more money than ever, feeling confident and with better relationships ”

"I have rewritten the 'Type-A', 'perfectionist' and 'constant stressor' labels that I gave myself in my teens and clung to for decades"

From my beloved clients ...

tanya street, GRANDMOTHER, psychologist & coach

ruth sainsbury, lawyer

"I use the skills Jess has taught me multiple times per day"

I was feeling very stuck in behavioural patterns I didn't want. and self-destructive internal dialogue. The self-awareness and self-acceptance I now have are truly powerful tools that have given me so much more openess and control over my emotions, actions and destiny. I feel happier, calmer and more confident in myself.

liz lipinski, mother, pilates teacher & coach

Jess really challenged me about choices that I was making that didn't align with the life I described I wanted to live. There were a lot of aha moments but particularly around this. She encouraged me to get out of my head and into my body which will be a lifelong practice for me.

Working with Jess was really an invaluable investment in myself and I'm so grateful for her skill, talent and patience.

tess palmer, mother, investor relations director

All the juicy details ...

We work together for 10 sessions over five months, which allows us to dive deep for lasting, sustainable transformation. No half measures or surface-level BS around here! 

Two powerful coaching sessions per month via zoom, plus unlimited support via Whatsapp in between so you feel deeply supported and stay accountable.

Ignite your Light is an investment of $3,750 (or five monthly payments of AU $750).




book a call

The most common thing I hear from my clients after our first call is ...  I wish I'd done this sooner!

Lovely, it's time to stop waiting for that mythical "right time" and create something different in your life now.

Book Your (Free) Discovery Call

is that a yes?

- jessica doneley

“I do not want to think about how my life would have continued without Jess."