zz – old – About

May 28, 2024

  Welcome beautiful woman, I’m Jess. I guide and support women to step into the most magnetic expression of their True Selves and make the sacred transition from their head to their heart. I’m deeply passionate about helping women feel free … Free from their racing thoughts Free from their critical inner voice. Free from […]

I'm jess!

Life and leadership coach for women, mental health maven and soul guide.

I support women to do LESS people-pleasing, perfectionism and over-working ... and experience MORE ease, joy, vitality and confidence.


tell me more


Welcome beautiful woman,

I’m Jess.

I guide and support women to step into the most magnetic expression of their True Selves and make the sacred transition from their head to their heart.

I’m deeply passionate about helping women feel free …

Free from their racing thoughts

Free from their critical inner voice.

Free from their self imposed pressure.

Free from pushing and driving and striving.

Women's coach Jess Heading smiling into the camera and holding a bunch of red flowers

I’m here to show you that your anxiety, stress, worry and self-doubt are trying to communicate to you.

Rather than being a roadblock to what you truly want, they are in fact potent messengers on your path to freedom.

Everything you want for yourself can be found within, as you reconnect to your intuition, your desires, your sacred inner feminine, your body and Mother Earth.

Together we will completely transform the way you relate to yourself and fill the void that eats away at you, as you step into greater depths of alignment, joy, wellbeing and contentment than ever before.

Your soul is wanting to talk to you. Are you ready to listen?

You’re in the right place if…

You’re a woman who ever feels anxious, experiences self doubt or holds herself to an impossibly high standard.

Even if your life looks good on the outside, it’s okay to want something more, or different, for yourself. 

You are not flawed or broken, and you do not need to be fixed. Pain can be transmuted into deep soul growth and a juicy, beautiful life.

If things like mindfulness practices, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or affirmations have supported you to a point – but you’re craving a deeper transformation – my body-led and soul-guided journeys will get you to where you want to be.

You cannot ‘think’ your way forward in life. Your body and soul hold the key.

You do not have to settle for ‘managing’ your anxiety or stress – deep healing and freedom are possible.

Jess Heading facing side-on to the camera with hands over heart and eyes closed

I’m a recovered Type A who once lived life as a (self-declared) high functioning mess.

Although my life looked shiny on the outside, my inner world was a scary and dark place.

For years I suffered with eating disorders, anxiety and depression. I was my harshest critic and every time I said or did something I thought was stupid, I would visualise putting a gun to my head.

At my lowest, I was metaphorically shooting myself thirty+ times a day.

My path back home to my Self has been profound. From the couches of psychology clinics and the depths of CBT, to energy healings and the pages of Louise Hay, to teachings about embodiment and the feminine, I’ve been on quite the journey! 


These days, I’m beyond grateful for every twist and turn. Without it, I wouldn’t be here, with you now, supporting women as a stress and anxiety Life Coach.

My work blends deep compassion and gentleness with a fierce and unwavering belief in your full potential and Queendom.

I offer a liberating, fresh perspective on mental health challenges. I wholeheartedly believe that your anxiety is your awakening and your opportunity to tune in, heal and transform on a d-e-e-p level. There is nothing wrong with you – what you’re experiencing is an invitation to expand your relationship with your body, and tap into your desires, pleasure, intuition, femininity and soul.

A peek into my life…

I’ve been coaching for nine years …

I trained in 2013 at the Coaches Training Institute, the world’s largest coach training institution, and completed a course in positive psychology at City University London.

I started my professional life as a corporate lawyer …

After a heroine’s journey to anchor into my true self beneath my conditioning and others’ expectations, I’m now a free spirit who speaks to her guides and cleanses her crystals at the full moon (much to my partner Stu’s bemusement).  How times have changed!

Motherhood is my becoming ..

Stu and I have a little one named Orla. She has the most darling blue eyes and she’s the light of my life. Matrescence (the journey of becomign a mother) has been the most alchemising, joyful, challenging journey of my life.

My favourite books are…

SO HARD to choose as I am a total bookworm but if I had to choose … I love ‘The Choice’ by Edith Eger and ‘Untamed’ by Glennon Doyle – hard truths and inspiration delivered in beautifully articulate reads.

I’m happiest when…

I’m happiest when I’m frolicking about in nature. I love the feeling of sand between my toes, the sun on my face, and that rush when I take my first dive under a wave on a crystal clear day.

I once dressed as…

I once dressed as a bee and ran the London Marathon. It was one of the toughest, but best experiences of my life (second only to giving birth!).

Ready to work together?

I offer both personalised and intimate 1: 1 coaching and group support. 

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so hot right now

I'm Jess, mind whisperer, mama & ocean lover

I'm a former lawyer turned women’s leadership and life coach. 

I guide women who have created their success largely through driving, pushing and controlling, to reconnect with their intuition, vitality and radiance.

more about me

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Why I don't recommend meditation for women

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7 things I want every woman to know

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 Top Resources

5 secrets to calm your busy mind

Packed with simple, practical tools to anchor you in your next thought storm

PLUS learn why your body, not your mind, holds the key 

download my free guide

 I gratefully acknowledge the Turrbal and Jagera people as the traditional owners of this land upon which I live and work.

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© jess heading Coaching 2024  |  Design by Tonic  |  Photos by paula ivy & pexels

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