
Seven things I want every woman to know

October 15, 2019

I'm jess!

Life and leadership coach for women, mental health maven and soul guide.

I support women to do LESS people-pleasing, perfectionism and over-working ... and experience MORE ease, joy, vitality and confidence.


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If we only have five minutes together, here’s what I want you to know.

Your body is wise and can be trusted

We can trust our bodies (our hungers, desires and feelings) and they hold so much wisdom. Most of us have been taught to over-attach to our minds and disconnect from our bodies and souls; this imbalance lies at the heart of our society’s widespread mental health issues.

Your vibrancy and resilience is innate

There’s an energy within each of us at our core that is incomprehensibly breathtaking and untapped. A deep place within, our own internal safety net, that remains untouched no matter what we’ve been through.

Self-approval is your superpower

When we feel stuck and inclined to berate ourselves or double down on our efforts, what’s needed is the opposite. Lasting change flows from radical self-approval, compassion and gentleness.

Slow down and stop waiting

Life isn’t the big moments. It’s the sun on your face in the playground as you watch your kids. It’s eating the first mango of the season, juice running down your chin. It’s that warmth and safety as you’re enveloped in a big bear hug from your man. Savour this moment, right now, instead of waiting for your next holiday, promotion or bank balance.

Your desires matter

Your soul desires are yours for a reason. To fan the flames of your big dreams in a world that wants us to be “realistic” is a radical, powerful act.

Your deepest wounds are powerful portals

Our human capacity for resilience and growth is incredible and every dark night of the soul offers something to gain or learn. It is our shadows and wounds that lead us to our greatest soul gifts, and our trickiest relationships that activate our deepest growth.

You are enough.

Always, and no matter what.

I'm Jess, mind whisperer, mama & ocean lover

I'm a former lawyer turned women’s leadership and life coach. 

I guide women who have created their success largely through driving, pushing and controlling, to reconnect with their intuition, vitality and radiance.

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more about me

Why I don't recommend meditation for women

tell me more

blog post

7 things I want every woman to know

read it

blog post

 Top Resources

5 secrets to calm your busy mind

Packed with simple, practical tools to anchor you in your next thought storm

PLUS learn why your body, not your mind, holds the key 

download my free guide

 I gratefully acknowledge the Turrbal and Jagera people as the traditional owners of this land upon which I live and work.

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