
Feeling judged and rejected

November 22, 2022

I'm jess!

Life and leadership coach for women, mental health maven and soul guide.

I support women to do LESS people-pleasing, perfectionism and over-working ... and experience MORE ease, joy, vitality and confidence.


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Say it with me: I am willing to be misunderstood, judged and rejected.

For it is only in my willingness to risk this, that I am truly free.

Now don’t get me wrong, it is still my strong preference to be liked and approved of (I’m a Libran for god’s sake!)

But this is a HUGE difference between a need and a preference.

When we NEED others to like and approve of us (as I did for most of my life) …

When we’re unwilling to sit in the discomfort of their disappointment, judgment or disapproval …

Then we have no choice but to contort ourselves to avoid it.

And so we (subconsciously, innocently) devote our precious energy to people-pleasing, fawning, self-criticising, over-giving and over-working.

All the while eroding our vitality and wellbeing, and taking us further and further away from what we truly want.

The good news?? Leaning into disapproval and judgement is a practice that can be cultivated.

And in doing so we unleash the freedom within …

To make choices that are truly our own.

To disappoint others to be true to ourselves.

To withstand the judgment of those who don’t understand.

And to live and work in a way this is deeply anchored in our own values, desires and priorities.

I'm Jess, mind whisperer, mama & ocean lover

I'm a former lawyer turned women’s leadership and life coach. 

I guide women who have created their success largely through driving, pushing and controlling, to reconnect with their intuition, vitality and radiance.

more about me

hey there!

Why I don't recommend meditation for women

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7 things I want every woman to know

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 Top Resources

5 secrets to calm your busy mind

Packed with simple, practical tools to anchor you in your next thought storm

PLUS learn why your body, not your mind, holds the key 

download my free guide

 I gratefully acknowledge the Turrbal and Jagera people as the traditional owners of this land upon which I live and work.

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